Friday, December 13, 2013

Lesson Plan - Elementary

Visual Studies Lesson Plan

Names:                Brittany Barlag

  Kim Lasserre                                                                                                    Grade Level: 1-5


Title of Lesson: Bring Your Lessons To Life


National Standards: What exactly are you looking for as far as national standards go?


Texas Essential Knowledge Skills (TEKS):



1. Students will use what they have done or are going in one of their other classes (English, math, science, history, etc.) to research and create a work of art.  Collaboration between art teacher, students and other subject teachers is absolutely necessary. 
2. Students may use a variety of materials for their project, they may choose from 4 projects, paper mache, video, painting, and/or collage.


Vocabulary: Abstract, Animation, Balance, Assemblage, Bird’s eye-view, Blend, Paper Mache, Video, Collage


Social/Historic Context for Lesson: Dependent on the subject matter that the student chooses from what they are learning in one of their other core classes.


Historic Artists Used: da Vinci, Pollock, Roy Lichtenstein, Bob Kane

Contemporary Artists Used: Joseba Elorza, RRRRRRROLL, Guy Laramee, Marquese “Nonstop” Scott, Pepon Osorio

Books: Rethinking Art Education, Artists Manual (Angela Gair), The Art Book (Phaidon)



Materials Used: found objects, paint, pencil, video, magazines, clay, fabric, ink, pastels, charcoal, markers, canvas, wood, illustration board, photography, watercolor, teabags, masking tape, text, cardboard, maps, stencils, Scissors


Technology Used: computer, camera, Photoshop (or alternative image processing and editing software), cell phones, Phone apps (Instagram, Graffiti), moviemaker, Flickr,

Timeline for Lesson: 2 Weeks

Day 1: Explain project, show PowerPoint of numerous artists and different styles of 2-D and 3-D art, allow time for students to collaborate (if desired) and organize their ideas.  By the end of class should have some idea(s) of what they want to do.

Day 2: Will get with students to discuss their ideas, show them specific artists and works related to their project and figure out materials needed.  Begin work.

Day 3-5: Students will continue working on their projects.

Day 6: Teacher will get together with each student or group of students to discuss any problems or questions and check on their progress.  Ask about their process and planned direction of the piece. Continue to work.

Day 7-9: Continue to work

Day 10: Critique and turn in projects.



1. We will have a discussion over what they are learning in other classes and how we could turn those lessons into a work of art.  Students will pick the subject or event that they have learned about and interest them the most.  Then we will discuss how they can use different methods to create their piece. Students can then brainstorm and discuss ideas with others and the teacher.  Will be allowed to collaborate on projects and work in groups. 


Assessments (objective or subjective):

1.       Daily review

2.       Daily check-in with each student

3.       Progress grade at halfway point

4.       Peer Review

5.       Final grade upon turn-in


Future Considerations/Notes:

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